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CPS TechCrew

What is it?
TechCrew is designed to enrich students’ educational experience and job readiness skills. This is accomplished by providing students with a TechCrew coordinator and the training and framework necessary to carry out basic computer problem resolution within the confines of their school.

What is the turnaround time? Are there any other parameters?
TechCrew requires principals or technology coordinators to participate in an information session. If the school decides to participate, the designated TechCrew coordinator(s) must also participate in a training session. Upon completion of the training session and recruitment of student participants, TechCrew will be operational.

How do I request service?
To request information about TechCrew or to register for an information session, contact Victor Herrera at

What is the cost?
No, there is no cost for this service. However, the school is responsible for the TechCrew coordinator stipend.

What curriculum do the students use ? How do I recruit students?

TechCrew Impact

TechCrew Inspires: “The experience you gain from being part of TechCrew is immeasurable. TechCrew helped me to find my passion for technology.
-Gabino Noriega, Former TechCrew Participant

TechCrew Helps Educators: “TechCrew helps out students academically and has allowed students to assume leadership roles and to gain confidence through their experience.
-Brian Surina, TechCrew Coordinator, Phoenix Military Academy

TechCrew Saves Money: “TechCrew is a positive experience for the school and the students because the students achieve the skills necessary to perform in this field while the school is able to allocate funding to other educational programs.
-Joellen-Zielazinski, Budget Manager, Kelly High School

TechCrew Increases Attendance: “We recognize that student attendance and graduation are increasingly important issues facing public schools. We are looking to target specific schools as we have seen TechCrew have a positive impact in these areas.
-Victor Herrera, Student Technology Services Manger

TechCrew Improves Performance: “Twenty-first century technology is a shopisticted, cutting edge, and ever changing industry. We want our students to be at the forefront of that industry, and TechCrew is a good place for them to start.
-Arshele C. Stevens, Chief Information Officer

TechCrew Spotlight


My name is Frankie. I am a volunteer for the TechCrew program. I have been working with the TechCrew since its first year extablished in CPS. Alongside Victor we managed to succesfully implement the program at Kelly High School.While teaching the students how to fix computers the program also has helped many students with their education attendance and behavior. If you have any questions about the program or you need help with anything feel free to contact me.


Bill T. said...

Hi Frankie, Taylor School is definitely interested in the TechCrew Program. Could you please share with us some successful models that have been effective in implementing the program.

Student Tech Services said...

Francisco Reyes, Kelly High School Technology Support

There are many organizations at Kelly High School that help students find a path towards their future. TechCrew is one of them. TechCrew, implemented in 2005 at Kelly High School, has given an opportunity for students to learn not only about computers, but about professionalism and how organization and team work can help with any situation.
The first year Kelly implemented TechCrew there were 10 students. It was very helpful to the school because of the high volume of computers and users. As the program continued, more students were interested and wanted to join and learn how to fix computers. Our main focus at the time was to make sure the seniors got as much knowledge as possible and be ready for college. Successfully, six of the seven seniors started college in a computer program.
This year TechCrew has over 40 members. The program has been a great motivation for students and the Technology Department because while the students learn they help with the computer related issues around the school, saving money and time. Beyond that, the students get the necessary work experience such as professionalism, service and support skills, and other administrational skills required in any professional field.
The students also benefit from the program during the school year. By helping the school’s Technology Department, the students acquire their necessary service learning hours which are required by any Chicago Public Schools student in order to graduate.
Gabino Noriega joined TechCrew last year, which was his senior year. Gabino showed that there should be no reason why a person should give up on something. When he started Gabino would spend hours trying to determine how to solve a problem without going to another level of support. He showed his interested in analyzing any problem whether it was easy or not. Gabino helped everyone in the club without expecting anything from them. He showed that if anyone really wants to learn there is no excuse not to do it. Gabino was involved in various extracurricular activities such as swimming, volleyball, martial arts, Latinos Unidos and also took some time to find a part time job; all the while maintaining a grade point average above 3.0. The Monday after his graduation weekend, Gabino started his first semester as a college student at Illinois Technical Institute. Today Gabino volunteers at Kelly High School helping the Technology Department and showing other TechCrew members the importance of a good education.

Joellen Zielazinski, Kelly High School Budget Manager & Technology Department Chair

The TechCrew has been a wonderful program for Kelly High School. With only 10 members during its initial year, 422 problems were diagnosed from October through May with a total of $46,280 in estimated cost savings to the school.

This year, in only three months, 2900 problems have been diagnosed for a cost savings of $46,281 (already exceeding the savings from the entire previous school year).

In looking at these statistics one could be positive or negative. The positive aspect relates to the money savings while the negative aspect relates to the number of problems diagnosed (587% increase). However, these statistics show that the program is working. The number of members quadrupled since inception, which allows the staff to take advantage of the assistance.

If the TechCrew were discontinued, the students currently involved with it would not be able to gain the experience and knowledge of technology that will help them in college. Also, the TechCrew assists the school where there exists a personnel shortage. In November 2006 we lost our network administrator and still have that vacancy. The TechCrew members assist the current Technology Department personnel so that the school is always up and running as smoothly as possible.

The TechCrew is a positive experience for the school and the students because the students achieve the skills necessary to perform in this field while the school is able to allocate funding to other educational programs. The TechCrew students keep the ship running and the students all receive experience and skills that will benefit them in the future.

Student Tech Services said...

Pedro Mota, Kelly High School Class of 2007

Tech Crew has helped me in many ways. One way is that the Tech Crew has helped me learn about computers. Tech Crew has also helped me to realize what career I may be interested in. The Tech Crew has taken a big part in improving my grades. Tech Crew helped me to learn about computers. When I joined the club I didn’t know anything about computers. Now I can fix my own computer and help other people to fix theirs. The first time I when went to the club I though it was boring and I didn’t pay too much attention. A few days after I joined the club I started to like it a little bit better and it began to interest me a little more. During my time in Tech Crew I realize that I can have a career in computers. The time in Tech Crew helped me raise my grades because in order to in the club the student was required to have good grades. When I was a sophomore and junior, I used to have bad grades and I used to cut a lot; I got six Fs, one B, and more than 100 cuts. I really wanted to be in the club. Frankie and Victor helped me in that they always were pushing me to go to classes. Sometimes they found me cutting and they always took me to class. I am glad that Frankie and Victor helped me because now I can be in the Tech Crew and also I am passing all my classes. It was hard for me to go to the class everyday and I was always thinking that the classes were boring and useless. Now I understand that the classes are important and they will help me in the future. Frankie and Victor always helped if I had problems with my classes. Now I can easily do my work and I easily understand my work. Many times I have trouble with my homework and I have to ask Frankie or Victor and they always help me.

Student Tech Services said...

Liliana Sanchez, Kelly HIgh School Class of 2010

As a freshman trying to fit in high school and very inexperienced, I had no hope of surviving high school. Unfortunately, before I entered high school I decided to give away my perfect summer for a class on computers. When I got in, little did I know how much this class would benefit me. Mr. Reyes, our coach, and our former coach, Mr. Herrera, believed in me and encouraged me to join Tech Crew. I really had no plans of joining this club, even though I knew I could get my community hours. After much insisting I finally gave in and curiosity brought me to joining Tech Crew. In a few months I was in charge of creating the club’s website and I also improved in my social skills, since this job consisted of talking to the members and communicating. I do most of my homework on the computer and right now I’m getting good grades. Then I thought if all I was going to get out of this club, community hours, social skills, and computer knowledge; that wasn’t enough. I was able to earn a laptop for my good grades but most importantly I learned to tolerate people and communicate. I have a great coach, Mr. Reyes, who has really helped me not only to learn about computers but to be able to surpass high school challenges. To me, I just see him and he makes my day. He always has a smile on his face, has a very positive attitude, and he’s always willing to help even though he knows how childish everyone is in their own way. I feel safe in this club. The atmosphere is fun, but at the same time everyone gets discipline and we all work in different areas. There are really no words to describe the feelings you encounter in this club. It’s like freedom from all your problems, and knowing someone that believes in you makes all difference.

Student Tech Services said...

Gabino Noriega, Kelly High School Class of 2007

During High School most students are involved in a lot of clubs. Being in a club is very important. It can help you in many different ways. I try to be in as many clubs that I can. The one most like me was the Tech Crew, because I like computers. I get to know more people, and I learn how to assemble, repair, and fix computers. In this club I learn a lot of things that prepare me for my future.

The best part of being in a club is that you have fun and learn at the same time. This was one of the advantages of being in the Tech Crew. When you start in the club they ask you what you like about computers, and then they have you do what you like to do. This is nice because you do the part that you like. When I started, I took parts away and fixed them if they needed it. They taught me how to install and program new software. All this makes me strong in the computer field.

The Tech Crew was the best club that I joined because it clears my mind. Being in this club helped me decide what career to choose. It also helped me choose the right college for my career. It taught me basic skills. This is why being in a club is very important. You should get involved in clubs while you are in school. They can help you a lot.

Geek Squad Summer Academy

"Geek Squad"

Paula Gómez, Univision Television Group

CHICAGO, Hay un curso en las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago que convierte a los estudiantes en expertos en tecnología. Los agentes del Geek Squad se auto describen como “un escuadrón de gente medio excéntrica”. Ellos se dedican a arreglar computadoras y cualquier aparato electrónico. ¿Qué tienen que ver estos expertos con la educación? Ellos son los maestros que se dedican a impartir un curso especial de verano sobre tecnología en las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) llamado Geek Squad Summer Academy. El enfoque del programa es despertar entre los jóvenes la pasión por la tecnología con la esperanza de que muchos escojan incursionar en una carrera en este campo. El curso dura tan sólo una semana pero eso es tiempo suficiente, según los organizadores, para enseñarle a los jóvenes cómo armar y desarmar una computadora. Los estudiantes también aprenden cómo crear sus propias páginas en la Internet y aprenden entre otras lecciones a proteger sus datos personales al usar la tecnología. El cupo para participar en el programa actualmente es limitado pero representantes de CPS esperan expandirlo con el tiempo. Si deseas más información sobre Geek Squad Summer Academy puedes visitar la página de Internet