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CPS TechCrew

What is it?
TechCrew is designed to enrich students’ educational experience and job readiness skills. This is accomplished by providing students with a TechCrew coordinator and the training and framework necessary to carry out basic computer problem resolution within the confines of their school.

What is the turnaround time? Are there any other parameters?
TechCrew requires principals or technology coordinators to participate in an information session. If the school decides to participate, the designated TechCrew coordinator(s) must also participate in a training session. Upon completion of the training session and recruitment of student participants, TechCrew will be operational.

How do I request service?
To request information about TechCrew or to register for an information session, contact Victor Herrera at

What is the cost?
No, there is no cost for this service. However, the school is responsible for the TechCrew coordinator stipend.

What curriculum do the students use ? How do I recruit students?

TechCrew Impact

TechCrew Inspires: “The experience you gain from being part of TechCrew is immeasurable. TechCrew helped me to find my passion for technology.
-Gabino Noriega, Former TechCrew Participant

TechCrew Helps Educators: “TechCrew helps out students academically and has allowed students to assume leadership roles and to gain confidence through their experience.
-Brian Surina, TechCrew Coordinator, Phoenix Military Academy

TechCrew Saves Money: “TechCrew is a positive experience for the school and the students because the students achieve the skills necessary to perform in this field while the school is able to allocate funding to other educational programs.
-Joellen-Zielazinski, Budget Manager, Kelly High School

TechCrew Increases Attendance: “We recognize that student attendance and graduation are increasingly important issues facing public schools. We are looking to target specific schools as we have seen TechCrew have a positive impact in these areas.
-Victor Herrera, Student Technology Services Manger

TechCrew Improves Performance: “Twenty-first century technology is a shopisticted, cutting edge, and ever changing industry. We want our students to be at the forefront of that industry, and TechCrew is a good place for them to start.
-Arshele C. Stevens, Chief Information Officer

TechCrew Spotlight

Office printers 'are health risk'

By Nick Bryant
BBC News, Sydney

The humble office laser printer can damage lungs in much the same way as smoke particles from cigarettes, a team of Australian scientists has found.

An investigation of a range of printer models showed that almost a third emit potentially dangerous levels of toner into the air.

The Queensland University of Technology scientists have called on ministers to regulate these kinds of emissions.

They say some printers should come with a health warning.

The researchers carried out tests on more than 60 machines.

Almost one-third were found to emit ultra-tiny particles of toner-like material, so small that they can infiltrate the lungs and cause a range of health problems from respiratory irritation to more chronic illnesses.

Conducted in an open-plan office, the test revealed that particle levels increased five-fold during working hours, a rise blamed on printer use.

The problem was worse when new cartridges were used and when graphics and images required higher quantities of toner.

The researchers have called on governments to regulate air quality in offices.

They also want companies to ensure that printers are based in well-ventilated areas so that particles disperse.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/07/31 10:27:25


Geek Squad Summer Academy

"Geek Squad"

Paula Gómez, Univision Television Group

CHICAGO, Hay un curso en las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago que convierte a los estudiantes en expertos en tecnología. Los agentes del Geek Squad se auto describen como “un escuadrón de gente medio excéntrica”. Ellos se dedican a arreglar computadoras y cualquier aparato electrónico. ¿Qué tienen que ver estos expertos con la educación? Ellos son los maestros que se dedican a impartir un curso especial de verano sobre tecnología en las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) llamado Geek Squad Summer Academy. El enfoque del programa es despertar entre los jóvenes la pasión por la tecnología con la esperanza de que muchos escojan incursionar en una carrera en este campo. El curso dura tan sólo una semana pero eso es tiempo suficiente, según los organizadores, para enseñarle a los jóvenes cómo armar y desarmar una computadora. Los estudiantes también aprenden cómo crear sus propias páginas en la Internet y aprenden entre otras lecciones a proteger sus datos personales al usar la tecnología. El cupo para participar en el programa actualmente es limitado pero representantes de CPS esperan expandirlo con el tiempo. Si deseas más información sobre Geek Squad Summer Academy puedes visitar la página de Internet